Lockdown. Only about 5 months have passed since the opening of our cafe, and we immediately had to close its doors again due to government orders. For a while we thought that the beginning of the pandemic would also be the beginning of the end of our still brand new cafe, but since we put all our hearts into it and didn't want to give up, we put on masks and gloves and hoped that these turbulences would pass quickly and we would soon be able to open again.
Already during the first lockdown, we experienced the incredible support of our customers, who managed to like us even in such a short time and we recognized their lovely faces even under the homemade masks. And they didn't let us down even with the second one! At that time, however, we had already decided to fight the unfortunate situation properly and started making our homemade pastry, and thus successfully celebrated our first birthday, second Christmas and enjoyed the ever-present love of Prague coffee lovers, who did not let us down. Quite the contrary – they inspired us to do a lot by improving their coffee Mecca!